Italian-born Patrizia Cavallo provides translation, revision and interpreting services, as well as offering courses and lectures.

A specialist academic background and proven experience

Holds a PhD in Translation and Interpreting and has been working in the Brazilian and international market since 2011.

Native Italian professional

Patrizia was born and lived in Italy for 25 years. Having travelled and studied in several European countries, she settled in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil), where she has lived since 2011.

Punctuality, confidentiality and quality

Respect for delivery deadlines and the confidentiality of information, as well as ensuring the services provided are of the highest quality, these are fundamental values for Patrizia and her company.


Patrizia Cavallo

Born in Italy, Patrizia is a translator and interpreter with extensive experience in the fields of psychoanalysis, law, the humanities and social sciences. She delivers courses on translation and Italian language, terminology for interpreters and CAI tools, and has experience teaching at university level.

Specialising in Italian, English and French, she was awarded a Bachelor’s Degree in Applied Interlinguistic Communication (1st Class Honours, 2008) and a Master’s Degree in Interpretation (2011) by the Department of Interpretation and Translation (ex-SSLMIT) of the Forlì Campus (University of Bologna/Italy). Her BA was later revalidated at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (Language and Literature – Portuguese and Italian Translator, 2014).

In 2011, Patrizia moved to Porto Alegre (Brazil), where she now lives. In 2015, she obtained a Master’s Degree in Comparative Literature (click here to download her Dissertation) at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, where in 2019 she was awarded a PhD in Lexicography, Terminology and Translation, in which her research focused on Interpreting Studies (click here to download her Thesis).

She also studied at the London Metropolitan University (Erasmus scholarship, 2009/2010), and participated in language courses and short exchange projects in Germany (Bad Bevensen and Kiel), Spain (Salamanca) and France (Nice).

Patrizia is an accredited member (pairing Portuguese < > Italian) of ABRATES (Brazilian Association of Translators and Interpreters), while also belonging to SINTRA (Brazilian National Union of Translators), ABRAPT (Brazilian Association of Researchers in Translation) and ABPI (Brazilian Association of Teachers of Italian). She teaches the annual course “Terminology Management for Interpreters” on the Interpret2B interpreter training course, and is an official instructor for InterpretBank software.

The company

Patrizia had been working as a translator and interpreter for 7 years when she started Apulia Traduções e Interpretações in 2018. The company came about as a result of her considerable professional experience and in-depth academic training in languages, translation and interpreting.

Known simply as Apulia, the company represents the realization of Patrizia’s dream of facilitating dialogue between speakers of different languages, enabling people from different cultures to better understand each other and exchange their ideas. This is something she has been putting into practice since she was a teenager, when she would volunteer as a linguistic mediator at international youth meetings organized by the Taizé Ecumenical Community.

Through Apulia, Patrizia provides services to private clients, companies, agencies, professional organizations, academic institutions and publishing houses. The company name is a Latin word referring to “Puglia”, the region in southern Italy where Patrizia was born and raised. The tree in the company logo (and in the Home page) is an olive tree, which is typical of this Italian region. It therefore symbolizes the strong bond with her own roots and her guiding values: family, work, belonging and respect for all cultures.

Check here the services provided by Apulia Traduções e Interpretações:


Translation, Transcription
and Revision

Translation of texts from diverse areas of knowledge. Transcription of various audio and video formats. Grammatical proofreading and translation revision. Services provided in Italian, Portuguese, English and French.


Remote, hybrid or in-person interpreting in various events: conferences, business meetings, training courses, visits and tours, among others. Modes: simultaneous, consecutive and whispered. Services provided in Italian, Portuguese, English and French.

Courses and Lectures

Courses, lectures and classes (individual or group) on the following subjects: Italian language and culture, translation and interpreting (theory and practice), terminology for interpreters and CAI tools (focusing on InterpretBank software).

Would you like to request one of the services listed? Get in touch here.


Patrizia Cavallo tem sido nossa colaboradora contínua desde 2015, para os serviços de tradução escrita e de interpretação (italiano / português / inglês). O comprometimento conosco e com a qualidade, ética e normas foram muito apreciados pela Sociedade Psicanalítica de Porto Alegre ao longo desses anos.

Revista de Psicanálise
da Sociedade Psicanalítica de Porto Alegre

C’est toujours un plaisir de travailler en collaboration avec Patrizia Cavallo dans le domaine de la traduction écrite et de l’interprétariat de conférence. Le sérieux, la compétence et l’éthique témoignent de son professionnalisme. Plus qu’une collègue, c’est une vraie amie.

Vanise Dresch
Traductrice et interprète (PT-FR)

Patrizia and I have been working together since 2018 at my company, Interpret2b, where we offer online training for translators and interpreters. She is in charge of preparing our students to navigate among the different terminology softwares and have a better understanding of the field of terminology. She is a great teacher and I, myself, have learned a lot as a student in one of her InterpretBank courses. It is great to have her as part of our team!

Marcelle Castro
AIIC Conference Interpreter & Co-owner at Interpret2b

Patrizia is one of the most knowledgeable trainers for any interpreter wanting to branch into the tools space. I’ve taken a class from her and admire her patience, knowledge, and vision of how translators can benefit from interpreting tools, such as InterpretBank.

Cris Silva
Conference interpreter, translator (ATA-certified) and terminologist

Sem dúvida, o trabalho que a Patrizia realizou de revisão do meu texto – que escrevi em italiano e depois traduzi para o português – foi excelente. Por exemplo, ela conferiu algumas citações em italiano na fonte, aconselhando-me a deixar algumas dessas mais completas para dar mais precisão ao que eu estava querendo enfatizar com elas (sem deixar de conferir também, no texto em português)!! Conferiu, inclusive, as referências bibliográficas, levando em conta as normas técnicas. Recomendo o trabalho da Patrizia, muito competente e pontual!

Beatriz M.M. Zawislak
Professora aposentada do Instituto de Física da UFRGS
Autora do livro “Mona Lisa e seus mistérios”

Ho avuto ormai il piacere di lavorare varie volte in cabina (anche se virtuale) con Patrizia ed è sempre un vero piacere. La collaborazione con lei parte molto prima dell’evento, effettua sempre estrazioni terminologiche, ricerche approfondite in largo anticipo, si documenta ed è sempre disponibile a chiarire qualsiasi dubbio. Inoltre, vanta una padronanza delle sue principali lingue di lavoro, italiano e portoghese, che mi rende sempre tranquillo e sicuro mentre lavoro con lei. Do la mia parola a chi abbia bisogno di un servizio di interpretazione o traduzione che lei ripagherà appieno le aspettative.

Mauro Moser
Interprete di conferenza (IT/PT/EN/DE/ES)
Insegnante di italiano, inglese e tedesco

Meu percurso como estudante de Língua Italiana e de Tradução mudou radicalmente quando fui aluna de Patrizia na graduação em Letras da UFRGS: foi uma oportunidade única de ter uma professora com formação na Itália e no Brasil, uma profissional dedicada e experiente nas áreas onde atua – tradução, interpretação, pesquisa e ensino, sempre em busca de aprimoramento. Sigo sua aluna: participei de oficinas na universidade, das oficinas de versão de textos da Escola de Tradutores, faço parte dos grupos de conversação em língua italiana e do Laboratório permanente de escrita e tradução que ela coordena na sua “Apulia Traduções e Interpretações”, como complemento da minha formação universitária.

Clarissa Carvalho
Fonoaudióloga e graduanda em Letras (ITA-PORT)
na Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

Patrizia Cavallo è una professionista che ammiro perché oltre alla qualità del lavoro che svolge è molto responsabile, premurosa e disponibile verso i suoi clienti. Conosco bene il suo lavoro perché condividiamo lo stesso mestiere che è quello di insegnare l’italiano a stranieri e perciò so che lo fa con passione e maestria. Mi sono avvalsa più volte della sua collaborazione come revisora perché i miei ultimi due libri pubblicati contano sulla sua revisione accurata e sempre puntuale. Inoltre, ho visto Patrizia in più occasioni mentre lavorava come interprete e posso assicurare che lo fa con precisione, discrezione ed efficacia. Dunque, la raccomando ai miei amici e studenti quando hanno bisogno di traduzioni dei più svariati testi. Insomma, una professionista come poche!

Fernanda Pereira da Cruz
Insegnante di lingua italiana
Autrice di libri didattici di italiano per stranieri



Among the ongoing courses taught by Patrizia Cavallo are the following:

– PERMANENT ITALIAN LANGUAGE WRITING AND TRANSLATION LABORATORY: this is a group (up to 8 participants) focused on practicing writing in Italian and translating from Portuguese into Italian, with Patrizia reviewing the texts and offering individual written feedback. The Laboratory also provides for an online monthly meeting to discuss the translated text, translation approaches and cultural peculiarities. For information about prices and programme structure, please get in touch.

– TERMINOLOGY FOR INTERPRETERS AND CAI TOOLS (FOCUSING ON INTERPRETBANK SOFTWARE): click here to schedule an individual or group class, or a course for academic institutions and professional organizations.

– ITALIAN LANGUAGE CONVERSATION (INTERMEDIATE-ADVANCED LEVEL): if you are interested in practicing conversation in Italian in small groups of up to 4 people, contact Patrizia, a native Italian qualified teacher, for more information about days and times.


Here you can read my article, entitled “Glossaries for interpreters: what about these famous CAI tools?” (in Portuguese), published in 2021 on the Blog Metáfrase of the Brazilian Association of Translators and Interpreters (ABRATES).

Clicking here you can find the article “Bilingualism, Translation and Interpretation: The Clients’ Perception of the Professionals they Hire” (in Portuguese), written with Ana Carolina Moura Pompeu and published in 2019 in Cadernos de Tradução, a journal of the Federal University of Santa Catarina.

For a complete list (in Portuguese) of my published articles, see the “Produções” → “Produção bibliográfica” section of my Lattes Curriculum.


Click here to a list of lectures given in recent years by Patrizia Cavallo. One of the most recent that is available online is:

“Interpreter competence or interpreting competence? Implications for the training of interpreters and professional practice” (in Portuguese), given on 26/05/2021, on the occasion of the roundtable entitled “The training and professional practice of interpreters based on the development of competences” at the II Conference on Interpreting Studies and III Colloquium on Sign Language Interpretation in Community Contexts: Health, Education & Justice.






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Rua Itaboraí, 1478 – Jardim Botânico – 90670-030. Porto Alegre (RS/Brasil).
Developed by Eduardo Krainski.